General Secretariat for Development Planning

The General Secretariat for Development Planning
الأمانة العامة للتخطيط التنموي

Logo of The General Secretariat for Development Planning
Abbreviation GSDP
Formation July 2006
Type GO
Purpose/focus Government, Social, Environmental and Economic Development. Also, coordinates plans, strategies and policies in support of Qatar's National Vision 2030
Location Doha
Region served State of Qatar
Official languages Arabic
Secretary General Dr. Ibrahim Ibrahim
Main organ General Secretariat for Development Planning

The General Secretariat for Development Planning (GSDP) (Arabic: الأمانة العامة للتخطيط التنموي) is a governmental agency in the State of Qatar. It was established through an Emiri Decision No (39) in 2006 and amended by Emiri Decision No (50) in 2009.[1] The GSDP coordinates plans, strategies and policies in support of Qatar's National Vision 2030.

The Secretariat reports directly to the HH Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani, the Heir Apparent to the Qatar Emirate. GSDP came into being in July 2006 with HE Dr. Ibrahim Ibrahim [2] as its Secretary General. Sheikh Hamad Bin Jabor Bin Jassim Al Thani is GSDP’s Director General and is responsible for the day-to-day management of the organisation.[3]

Pursuant to the Council Ministers' decision No (11) 2009 the General Secretariat for Development Planning shall have supervision over the Permanent Population Committee (Arabic: اللجنة الدائمة للسكان) and shall be independent in assuming its technical works. The Committee shall have a budget attached to that of the GSDP.


Role and Function of GSDP

The General Secretariat for Development Planning (GSDP) monitors the implementation of the Qatar National Vision (QNV 2030), for which purpose it will carry out the following tasks:

  1. Prepare the National Development Strategy (NDS) for the achievement of the Qatar National Vision 2030– stating in it the development priorities, the quantitative objectives in the economic, social and demographic fields as well as determining the mechanisms necessary for achieving them – after consultation with government agencies and surveying the opinion of the private sector and civil society organisations.
  2. Explain the Qatar National Vision 2030 and the National Development Strategy to all concerned agencies, stakeholders and civil society organisations.
  3. Conduct research and studies related to the Qatar National Vision 2030 and the National Development Strategy.
  4. Explain the Qatar National Vision 2030 and the National Development Strategy NDS to the different agencies and provide technical assistance on the preparation of executive plans.
  5. Review executive plans set by different agencies to ensure effective coordination among these agencies; verify the consistency of these plans with the National Development Strategy to confirm there are no contradictions among the executive plans provided by the different State agencies, and inform the concerned agencies and the higher authorities about any inconsistency identified.
  6. Periodically monitor the progress achieved in the implementation of the plans and prepare performance assessment reports that include any necessary corrective measures.
  7. Analyse the results of official statistical data and utilise these results in activating the General Secretariat's functions and preparation of plans.
  8. Connect the planning with the official statistical indicators in the economic, social and demographic fields, among other areas.
  9. Activate the results of quantitative and qualitative official statistical data in the formulation of the Qatar National Vision 2030 and in the preparation of related strategic plans.

GSDP Organization Structure

GSDP has four departments and three units, arranged as follows:

  1. Secretary‐General's Office
  2. Public Relations and Communications Unit
  3. Internal Auditing Unit
  1. Director‐General's Office
  2. Economic Development Department
  3. Social Development Department
  4. Institutional Development Department
  5. Joint Services Department
    1. Administration and Finance
    2. Information Technology
    3. Human Resource

The Public Relations and Communications Unit tasks

  1. Issue media programs, bulletins and newsletters that introduce the GSDP's roles, responsibilities and activities, in coordination with the concerned administrative unit.
  2. Follow up media stories and reports on the GSDP appeared in daily newspapers and other media and forward them to the concerned official for response.
  3. Arrange necessary preparations for the GSDP's guests, including hotel reservation, entry visa, hospitality arrangements, and welcome and farewell reception in coordination with the JSD.
  4. Organise social, cultural and sports activities for the GSDP's employees and oversee the organisation of festivals hosted or co-hosted by the GSDP.
  5. Organise conferences, seminars and exhibitions hosted by the GSDP and prepare their budgets, in coordination with the JSD.

The Internal Auditing Unit tasks

  1. Develop a draft for the GSDP's annual auditing plan and submit it to the Secretary General for approval and prepare reports on auditing results.
  2. Monitor the extent of implementation of laws, regulations and decisions related to the GSDP's activities.
  3. Verify the coherence and consistency of the work systems with the GSDP's responsibilities and objectives and submit necessary proposals in this regard.
  4. Monitor and maintain different the general ledger and financial documents, payment order, receipt invoices and other documents following the payment process.
  5. Examine the GSDP work problems and obstacles, review reasons behind work-related problems and propose appropriate solutions.
  6. Review the applied financial instructions, propose adequate changes and monitor the implementation.
  7. Monitor the procedures set for recruitment of employees, staff leave, promotion and other personnel-related issues and verify adherence to the applied laws, regulations, rules and decisions.
  8. Ensure accuracy of funds, furniture, equipment, buildings and assets owned or supervised by the GSDP.
  9. Participate in the inventory of the contents of the GSDP stores and assets.

The Economic Development Department (EDD) tasks

  1. Participate in setting a concept for the comprehensive vision and the general strategic plan for the economic development in the State.
  2. Assist the GSDP Director General in presenting the economic aspects of the comprehensive vision and the general strategic plan to the concerned agencies and stakeholders.
  1. Monitor and follow up of the growth of the State's economic development.
  2. Prepare studies on long-term economic development.
  3. Prepare studies on economic analysis and economic expectation.
  4. Activate the results of the statistical indicators and analysis adopted in the department activities.

The Social Development Department (SDD) tasks

  1. Participate in setting a concept for the comprehensive vision and the general strategic plan for the social development in the State.
  2. Assist the General Secretary in presenting the social aspects of the comprehensive vision and the general strategic plan to the stakeholders and concerned agencies and help them engage in the progress of the social development in the State.
  3. Monitor and follow up of the development of the demographic structure in the State in educational, labor, health and other aspects related to the social status.
  4. Prepare studies on long term social development.
  5. Utilize the results of the statistical indicators and analysis in the department activities.

The Institutional development Department (IDD) tasks

  1. Participate in setting a concept for the comprehensive vision and the general strategic plan for improving the performance of government agencies in the State.
  2. Conduct studies on the government agencies' performance and its progress through different stages for the purpose of implementing the development strategic plan.
  3. Propose economic activities and areas pursued by the private sector.
  4. Provide the necessary support to government agencies regarding the formulation of their strategic plans.
  5. Utilize the results of the statistical indicators and analysis in the department activities.
  6. Provide the necessary support to government agencies for building capacities in planning and institutional development areas.

The Joint Services Department (JSD) tasks

  1. Enforce financial and administrative laws, regulations and systems related to the GSDP functions.
  2. Carry out the GSDP legal affairs-related issues.
  3. Provide the GSDP administrative units with the required equipment and services necessary for performing their tasks, in coordination with other administrative units.
  4. Determine the GSDP's needs in terms of jobs and staff, in coordination with other administrative units.
  5. Determine the GSDP's training requirements, in coordination with different administrative units, implement training programs and evaluate the business impact and effectiveness of training programs.
  6. Carry out the procurement, tender and auction tasks according to the rules and systems applied in the State.
  7. Prepare different payment documents and orders and other financial transactions.
  8. Prepare the GSDP's estimated general budget.
  9. Oversee the implementation of financial statements, credits, auditing and revenues and expenditure tasks.
  10. Carry out all tasks related to the information systems and computer software and hardware.
  11. Carry out maintenance works necessary for the GSDP's buildings, facilities, tools and equipment in coordination with the concerned agencies.
  12. Provide administrative services and oversee the work of the GSDP's stores.
  13. Receive and record the incoming/outgoing mail and organize the GSDP's archive according to advanced filing methods.

Qatar National Vision 2030 and the National Development Strategy

Qatar National Vision 2030 (QNV2030)

The Qatar National Vision 2030 [4](Arabic: الرؤية الوطنية لدولة قطر 2030) is a statement of Qatar's long-term strategy for modernization and economic growth.[5] The QNV initiative commenced in 2003, in response to the need for greater policy integration for effective development. It was based on Qatar's permanent constitution, as well as a comprehensive stakeholder engagement process between 2005 and 2007.

The Qatar National Vision 2030 is a roadmap to the future. It is a statement of Qatar’s long- term strategic goals and the challenges that it faces and the opportunities ahead. It tries to balance Qatar’s unique culture and traditions with modernisation and economic growth. The QNV initiative commenced in 2006 in response to the need for greater policy integration for effective development. It was based on the State’s permanent constitution, as well as a comprehensive stakeholder engagement process between 2005-2007. The guiding principles for the QNV are based on four interconnected pillars: human, social, economic and environmental development.
In June 2008 His Highness The Emir, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, approved the Qatar National Vision 2030.

Guiding Principles of Qatar’s National Vision

Qatar’s National Vision is based on the Guiding Principles of the Permanent Constitution and the directions of Their Highnesses the Emir, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, the Heir Apparent Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani and Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al-Missned, as well as on extensive consultation with government institutions and local and international experts.

The National Vision builds on a society that promotes justice, benevolence and equality. The Vision embodies the principles of the Permanent Constitution which:

  1. protects public and personal freedoms.
  2. promotes moral and religious values and traditions.
  3. guarantees security, stability and equal opportunities.

QNV2030 Major Challengers

The QNV 2030 outlines the five major challenges facing Qatar as it embarks on a development path that will extend over the next 20 years:

  1. Modernization and the preservation of traditions
  2. Balancing the needs of the present generation and the needs of future generations
  3. Managed growth and uncontrolled expansion
  4. Size and quality of expatriate labour and the selected path of development
  5. Economic growth, social development and environmental management

The Four Pillars of QNV2030

Below is the details of each Pillar of QNV2030 and their desired outcomes :

Human Development

The main desired outcome of this pillar is to have An Educated Population. In other words, having: 1. A world-class educational system that equips citizens to achieve their aspirations and to meet the needs of Qatar’s society, including:

2. A national network of formal and non-formal educational programs that equip Qatari children and youth with the skills and motivation to contribute to society, fostering:

3. Well-developed, independent, self-managing and accountable educational institutions operating under centrally-determined guidelines. 4. An effective system for funding scientific research shared by the public and private sectors and conducted in cooperation with specialized international organizations and leading international research centers. 5. A significant international role in cultural and intellectual activity and scientific research.

The second desired outcome of this pillar is to have A Healthy Population: Physically and Mentally. This came be by having the following: 1. A comprehensive world-class healthcare system whose services are accessible to the whole population, including:

2. An integrated system of health care offering high-quality services through public and private institutions operating under the direction of a national health policy that sets and monitors standards for social, economic, administrative and technical aspects of health care.

3. A skilled national workforce capable of providing high quality health services.

4. Continued commitment by the state to provide sufficient funds for maintaining the health of Qatar’s population in accordance with the principle of partnership in bearing the costs of health care.

The third main outcome of this pillar is to have A Capable and Motivated Workforce. And this can be achieved by: 1. Increased and diversified participation of Qataris in the workforce through:

2. Targeted Participation of Expatriate Labor.

3. Recruitment of the right mix of expatriate labor, protecting their rights, securing their safety, and retaining those who are outstanding among them.

Social Development

This pillar has 3 main outcomes and the first on is Social Care and Protection. This outcome will be achieved by having:

  1. Strong cohesive families that care for their members, and maintain moral and religious values and humanitarian ideals.
  2. An effective social protection system for all Qataris that ensures their civil rights, values their contribution in developing their society, and ensures an adequate income to maintain a healthy and dignified life.

The second out is to have A Sound Social Structure. This can be achieved by having an effective public institutions and strong and active civil society organizations that:

The third desired outcome of this pillar is to have International Cooperation. This means that Qatar will continue to build upon its role in the international community in the following areas:

Economic Development

This pillar have several outcomes and the first outcome is to have a Sound Economic Management. This means to have:

  1. A reasonable and sustained rates of economic growth that secure a high standard of living for this generation and for future generations.
  2. Financial and economic stability characterized by low inflation rates, sound financial policy and a secure and efficient financial system.
  3. A stimulating business climate capable of attracting foreign funds and technologies and of encouraging national investments.
  4. Open and flexible economic structures capable of competing in a changing world.
  5. Coordination with Gulf Cooperation Council states and with Arab and regional economic organizations to establish trade, investment and financial ties.

The second outcome of this pillar is to have a Responsible Exploitation of Oil and Gas. In other words, having:

  1. Optimum exploitation of hydrocarbon resources, establishing a balance between reserves and production, and between economic diversification and the degree of depletion.
  2. A vigorous oil and gas sector that generates advanced technological innovations and contributes to the development of human resources and economic capacities throughout Qatar.
  3. A fully developed gas industry that provides a major source of clean energy for Qatar and for the world.
  4. The long term maintenance of strategic reserves of oil and gas to meet the needs of national security and sustainable development

The third outcome of this pillar is to have a Suitable Economic Diversification. This means the following having a diversified economy that gradually reduces its dependence on hydrocarbon industries, enhances the role of the private sector and maintains its competitiveness through:

Environmental Development

Environmental Development pillar main outcome is to have A Balance Between Development Needs and Protecting the Environment. This means: 1. Preserving and protecting the environment, including air, land, water and biological diversity, through:

2. A comprehensive urban development plan for Qatar that adopts a sustainable policy with regard to urban expansion and population distribution. 3. Encouragement of regional cooperation to put in place preventive measures to mitigate the negative environmental effects of pollution arising from development activities. 4. A proactive and significant international role in assessing the impact of climate change and mitigating its negative impacts, especially on countries of the Gulf.

The Qatar National Vision (QNV) logo is based on a modular design. The central element of the logo takes the form of an eye, reflecting vision. The cultural pattern of its iris reflects traditional Qatari culture. This central element has a subtle relationship and congruence with the map of Qatar in the GSDP logo. The QNV logo is a modernized typographic Qatar, much like how the map is used in the GSDP logo.
The modular design looks structured, yet at the same time its dynamic dimensions have been created through the use of a diagonal line. The diagonal is important because the text reads upwards, which looks towards the future. The QNV seeks to achieve development progress, yet at the same time it aims to preserve national culture.

The Logo was designed by Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar - Center for Research in Design

Qatar National Development Strategy (NDS)

The National Development Strategy (NDS) (Arabic:الإستراتيجية التنموية الوطنية) will provide a medium-term framework to move the state towards the realisation of the Vision. In other words, the Vision provides a foundation for the formulation of a National Development Strategy. GSDP will coordinate the National Development Strategy process with the higher authorities and in full partnership with stakeholders from civil society, and the private and public sectors.

Difference between NDS and QNV2030

The Vision provides a foundation for the formulation of a National Development Strategy. GSDP will coordinate the National Development Strategy process with the higher authorities and in full partnership with stakeholders from civil society, and the private and public sectors.


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